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Pre-Register for The Founders – Leg 2

Pre-Register for The Founders – Leg 2


Ride25 is a mission to cycle from the UK to Australia over 25 legs spanning 25 years. The adventure began in 2012 with a group called “The Pioneers”.  The Pioneers completed Leg 9 (of 25) from the UK to Sydney in June 2022. The group have now cycled 3,550 miles from the UK to Eastern Turkey.  Pioneers help to define the journey and adventure to Sydney.

Leg 10 from Giresun to Tbilisi in Georgia is scheduled for June 2023.

To get a flavour of the previous legs visit the Pioneer Photos and Pioneer Videos.  Or watch this short animation explaining the idea.



The Founders are a new group that are following the steps of the Pioneers and cycling to Australia. It started with Leg 1 from London to Paris from 22nd to 24th September 2022.

Leg 2 cycling 364 miles from Paris to Geneva will be from 14th to 17th September 2023.

Visit Founders Leg 1 for more information. Leg 2 will launch in October 2022.

The ride is open to Founders of fast growth businesses.

To register your interest please complete the following form: