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The Journey so far….

The journey began in June 2012 with Leg 1 from Parmoor to Paris.  Leg 2 in 2013 saw us return to the Eiffel Tour and cycle to Geneva and so on.  Since then the journey to the end of Leg 11 is 4,469 miles and 303,000 ft of climbing.

The last 14 legs will involve cycling a further 6,400 miles to Sydney in Australia.

Map showing every leg so far….

The following map shows progress so far.

Or you can click here for a full page map (Best viewed on a desktop).



Key Statistics on each leg so far….

** Elevation data corrected post ride for legs 8 & 10.

In total by the end of Leg 11 the journey so far is over 4,469 miles.

Up to the end of Leg 10 we have cycled a total of 4,100 miles over 43 days in the saddle. That's an average of 95 miles a day.

The Journey so far….

By avoiding busier roads we often end up in the mountains.  This has included crossing the Jura Mountains (France), The Alps (Switzerland), The Apennines / The Antiappennini range (Italy), The Pindus range (Greece) and The Köroğlu Mountains (Turkey).