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AFC Tour de Yorkshire 2022 – God’s Own Charity Bike Ride

AFC Tour de Yorkshire 2022 – God’s Own Charity Bike Ride


On behalf of both the April Fools Club and their chosen charities, I hope you’ll choose to ride with us for what’s shaping up to be another unforgettable trip. A challenging, tough and epic ride through Gods own county over 2 days, taking in some of the steepest pieces of tarmac known to the human race! Also some the most stunning scenery, the finest wine, plenty of ale, with plenty of wonderful local fair and hospitality.  It will also be full of adventure and camaraderie which will create memories that will last a lifetime.

The AFC ride is aimed at people who ride reasonably regularly, we will, of course, have several groups and all speeds will be supported by the amazing Ride25 crew.  You will need to do some training – it’s for charity so it’s meant to be a little bit hard!   So we will be cycling up the Rosedale Chimney (well walking most of us!) one of the UK toughest climbs.

Sign up to take part by registering below:

When is it?

The event takes place on the 15th-17th September 2022, 2 days of riding covering 170 miles from York to Scarborough – using a lot of the famous “Tour De Yorkshire” route.  You need to travel up to York on Thursday the 14th of September for the Friday 15th start.

The cost for the event is estimated to be £350-£450 (depending on the kit, room allocation and final numbers etc) and is an all-inclusive cost with the exception of your travel to and from the start and finish and any alcohol.  Ride25 are running this event once again not for profit.

All riders are also expected to raise or donate for the April Fools Club chosen charities.

Full Itinerary:

Day 0 – Thursday 15th September 2022 –

Travel – York, Hilton – Warm up dinner and hydration


Day 1 – Friday 16th September 2022 –

Start – York: Finish – Scarbrough

Clifford’s Tower, York – 8.30am depart

Hotel accommodation the night before will be arranged at the Hilton in York and is included in the ticket price:

Our Grand Depart will take place from the foot of Clifford’s Tower.

Miles :

79.33miles // 127.67 kms

Elevation :

7,227ft  // 1209m of climbing

Strava Route :

AM Coffee: 25 miles

Sledmere Hall –

Lunch: 41 miles :

The Headlands Restaurant, Flamborough Head 

PM Coffee / Ice Cream / Beer: 65 miles

Filey Sea Front

Finish :


Accommodation :

Bike and Boot

Dinner in private dining in local Italian.

Day 2 – Saturday 17th September 2022 –  Scarborough to York

Miles :

80 miles // 128.75kms

Elevation :

6,019ft // 1834m climbing

Strava Route :

AM Coffee: 25 miles :

Raithwaite Hall –

Lunch: 47 miles :

The Crown, Hetton-le-hole (after the Rosedale Chimney)

PM coffee:

Castle Howard –

Finish In York for tea and medals!

Accommodation at Hilton York  – celebration Dinner and awards

How will I navigate?

Right-ArrowThe route will be not be signposted.  You will also receive a special cloth map of the route which will get you out of trouble if needed!     We recommend that you also have a navigation tool such as the Strava app downloaded on your phone – or a Garmin.  See below for advice on navigation on Strava.

What’s included?

  • 3 x nights accommodation in 4 star or above hotels
  • 3 x Breakfast to fuel you each day for the ride ahead
  • 4 x Coffee and cakes at designated stops
  • 2 x Lunches
  • Daily bespoke cloth route map
  • 2 x Personalised cycling shirt to wear on the day – fresh new shirt each day + more AFC cycling merch.
  • Professional Ride25 support crew and vehicles including a bike mechanic and first aider to help you on your way
  • Celebratory meal and drinks on the last night.
  • Event insurance

What’s not included?

  • A bike  (We recommend a road bike, however, riders have used hybrids and Bromptons in the past)
  • Personal insurance – including cycling cover for you and your bike
  • Travel to and from the event – please organise your own.

Photos and video from the event

We will have a the Ride25 crew taking photos and video that will capture your best moments on your bike. (And perhaps some of your most challenging!).

Ride25 will also produce a professionally edited video with footage taken from the tour crew which will create a great memory to show sponsors, colleagues and friends.


We recommend that you always cycle in groups and not alone.  Please also ensure that you wear a helmet.


There are plenty of training tips and training plans around.  Find one that suits you and your schedule and give yourself enough time so that you are fully ready for when the time comes to complete the ride.

We have plenty of training advice here and you can also watch our video from tips from previous Ride25 riders here and also a great GCN video on how to train for long bike rides here.

Indoor training is also really useful (especially in the winter) so check out our advice on indoor watt bike training here.

Also, read our advice for staying safe (and comfortable!) on the road

How to change an inner tube

How to avoid saddle sores

How to cycle in a group