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The Oscar Foundation

The Oscar Foundation

May 27th, 2015

In 2010 Rachael Tuffield and her husband Gary went through an ordeal that we would all pray and hope never happens to any parents. On the 7th March 2010 at 4.24pm, their son, Oscar Tuffield, was born. Sadly however, it was a still-birth as Oscar had passed away earlier that day due to an unexpected complication during the birthing process.

Gary & Rachael are a pretty amazing couple, and as they grieved and recovered, they did not want Oscar’s passing to go in vain. They were determined to create, not only a memorial to Oscar, but a way of helping other children who are sick or under-privileged, and who are not getting the support they so desperately need.

And so was born ‘The Oscar Foundation’, a registered charity committed to the sole aim of changing sick or under-privileged children’s lives by offering support in any way they can, either by funding for medical treatment or simply a much needed home for those left abandoned on the street. They hope that every cause they fund will be life changing for the child or children involved.

Ride25 organised a cycle from Austria over the Stelvio Pass to Monaco for The Oscar Foundation.  Watch the video:



March 24th, 2008

Every year since 2012 Ride25 has organised a 4-5 day cycle ride for a group of 100+ people. The total amount raised so far is almost £1 million.  For more information about the charity and the group of Pioneers that do the cycling  visit 1moreChild.

You can view the most recent video here: