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Stelvio Pass ‘Ride for Oscar’ Essential Information

Stelvio Pass ‘Ride for Oscar’ Essential Information


Saturday 12th September 2015 – Friday 18th September 2015. We will be cycling for 6 days in total from the Sunday 13th September finishing in Monaco on the Friday 18th September.


Badge final stelvioArrival day – Saturday 12th September

Please make sure that you arrive in Igls on Saturday the 12th September 2015 ahead of the ride.   Igls is about 30 minutes from Innsbruck airport.  The exact hotel will be confirmed very soon – we will notify you when it is confirmed.    **Please note that you will need to arrange your own flights and transfer to the hotel**.



Waiting at the hotel will be the Ride25 support crew including our mechanic who will be able to provide assistance with putting your bike together if you need it – and then take your empty bike box from you once you have assembled your bike.  If you are unable to meet the crew the evening before the ride, you will need to meet them at the start point in the morning with your bike assembled and empty bike box ready to go.  For information on hiring a bike box, please see below.

In the evening, you will enjoy a hearty meal before a good night’s sleep ahead of the ‘grand depart’ the next day.

DAY 1 – 7am Sunday 13th September

We will all meet in the reception area of the hotel.  There will be a bag drop off, registration and a briefing by the crew before you set off.

Start Time:

7am – registration and bag drop

7.30am – rider briefing

7.45am – depart and start pedalling!

N.B. – please make sure you have had some breakfast and coffee before arriving at the start and also had a pee!

The finish – Monaco, Friday 18th September 2015

We will all arrive in Monaco on Friday 18th September 2015. Approximate time for arrival is 5pm (NB: this is very approximate and depends on how fast you pedal!)  There will be an celebratory meal in the evening.  Please note that the hotel and celebratory meal on Friday 18th September in Monaco is not included in the cost of your trip.

Hotel Stops

We will be staying in the following hotels during the trip

Night before the ride : Aktiv Hotel Zur Rose

Night 1: Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten

Night 2: Hotel The Piz

Night 3: Continental Park Hotel

Night 4: Hotel Locanda dell’Arte

Night 5: Hotel Acqua Novella


Hopefully you will have been getting some good miles in on the bike over recent weeks. Please check out our advice on training here.

The Route & Strava:


Please note that the route is not signposted and you will need to use either a Garmin or a phone downloaded with the Strava app to self-navigate.   Please make sure that you have somewhere to mount your device and that you carry a portable battery charger.  You will be given a waterproof map, to use in emergencies.

Strava routes:

Please note that the route is not signposted and you will need to use either a Garmin or a phone downloaded with the Strava app to self-navigate.  Please make sure that you have somewhere to mount your device and that you carry a portable battery charger.
Printed map that will be handed out is HERE
Before the ride, please make sure that you load the Strava routes onto your Garmin and/or copy (duplicate them) over to your account on Strava.  You need to click on the star to the left of the route name of each day so that it appears on your mobile.  (As in the below image).

If you are using a Garmin, we also recommend having a back-up route on a Strava app on your phone. If you are unfamiliar with downloading a route onto Strava for use on your mobile, please follow our instructions here. (Please click on the image to enlarge it).


(Android phone users:  If you are going to be using an Android smartphone (not an Apple) please read the info at the bottom of the page.)

Dress Code

Please don’t over pack as we will just have to carry all the overweight bags in our vans for 6 days.

As well as plenty of lycra, you only need some t-shirts/tops and a pair of jeans – and your pjs!

Kit List

You will be given 2 x Ride25 personalised cycling shirts when you check-in.

Things you should consider buying and bringing on your Stelvio Pass/Ride for Oscar adventure….

  • Overshoes
  • Chamois Cream – lots
  • Base Layers to wear under your cycling shirts
  • Arm and Leg warmers – to carry with you in case it gets cold and or wet
  • Gloves
  • Helmet
  • Sunglasses / clear lenses for glasses (if its not sunny)
  • Large saddle bag with –  2 x spare inner tubes, puncture repair kit and tyre leavers
  • Cycle pump or gas canisters
  • 2 x large water bottles for hydration drinks and water
  • Your favourite energy gels or bars
  • Washing powder to wash the lycra in the shower at night
  • Sun cream
  • Top bar bag for phone, wallet and energy stuff
  • Phone mount if you are using Strava as a navigation tool
  • Portable battery charger for mobile
  • Garmin (or similar GPS navigation device) or Strava App for phone
  • Also, make sure you have some cash with you for coffee stops


Bags and Tags

We will carry all your bags, bike boxes and kit for you in the vans and will provide you with luggage tags when you check in on the first morning.  You may also want to have a small day bag/rucksack that you leave in the van which you will have access to at coffee stops and lunch time etc – we will provide a separate tag for this bag and you will check this bag into a different van to the overnight luggage as this will go straight to the end hotel.  Things to put in day bag could be – leg/arm warmers, extra layers, waterproof jacket, additional energy etc.

Bike Boxes

We recommend that you hire a bike box to transport your bike to and from the start and finish points.   These are much more sturdy than bike bags and will ensure your pride and joy arrives in one piece.

We recommend using BikeBox Online or Polaris Bikewear.

To check out the prices, click on either or both of the banners below to choose your delivery.   Both companies will deliver your case to your door and arrange collection upon your return.


Polaris Bikewear - Pod Pro


Mechanical Support

We have a mechanic on the trip to keep you rolling – however he is not there to change tubes when you get a puncture.  You should be able to do this on your own!   Please make sure you have had your bike serviced recently, most issues are normally cause by poor bike maintenance.

Some things to organise before you go:

  • You will  need to organise your airline travel to and from the start points in Innsbruck and Monaco (nearest airport is Nice).
  • Book your accommodation in Monaco on the Friday 18th September 2015.
  • You will also need to consider hiring a bike box. See above section on bike box hire.
  • Get your bike serviced!

Your safety

We recommend that you always cycle in groups and not alone.  Please also ensure that you wear a helmet.

Sound Cycling Advice

Read one of our rider’s Tricia’s blog with advice for people doing their first long trip  Part 1 and Part 2 – including a bit about why you should always ride commando!

How to change an inner tube

How to avoid saddle sores

How to cycle in a group

How to Climb Like a Pro

How to Climb Switchbacks

Photos from our recent tours

You can get a bit of a flavour of what’s to come by checking out the photos from our recent tours here. Check out our videos here and photos here.

Ride25 in the news

Read what the press has to say about our adventures so you can get a flavour of what you are in for…..

The Telegraph

Cycling Weekly


What’s included?

  • Six nights’ accommodation in a clean, comfortable hotel (in Igls, Silandro, St Moritz, Lugano, Trino, and Savona).  All rooms will have twin beds and we will allocate you a room partner unless you specify who you would like to share with – or have selected a single supplement in the booking process.
  • Three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner in a local restaurant).  Please note that coffee stops are optional and pay as you go.
  • Support vehicle to transport your luggage (clothes and supplies) from each stage to the next
  • Back-up vehicles to provide you with medical help and any assistance should you need a rest including a first aider and a bike mechanic
  • A digital map in the format of a .gpx file for mobile navigation devices such as Garmin
  • Customised, waterproof route maps including essential directions and pitstops
  • Two personalised high quality breathable cycling shirts for use on your trip  (If you wish to order additional shirts and/or a personalised gilet, please do so in the booking process).
  • Daily fresh fruit and water in the support vehicles
  • You will also have access to all the photos that the tour crew take during the trip – plus a special video to help remember the highlights of this epic event

What’s not included?

  • Flights and transfers to and from the start (nearest airport is Innsbruck) and finish (nearest airport is Nice)
  • Accommodation in Monaco
  • A Bike
  • Personal insurance

What’s not included?

  • Flights and transfers – please organise your own way to and from the start and end point
  • Accommodation the night that the tour finishes in Monaco
  • A Bike
  • A bike box (this can be selected as an optional extra during the check-out process)
  • Personal insurance
  • Cake and coffee at the optional coffee stops