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Cycling from Geneva to Milan: a diary of day 4, Como to Milan

Cycling Blog

Cycling from Geneva to Milan: a diary of day 4, Como to Milan

July 28th, 2015

The final stretch! A gentle 90 mile jolly around Lake Como, then south over a fantastic climb, through picturesque Italian countryside and towns, and into Milan: the Moral Capital...

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Day 3 feat

Cycling from Geneva to Milan: a diary of day 3, Airolo to Como

July 24th, 2015

After yesterday’s monster climb, we had the pleasure of spending most of day 3 descending. It was also the first day we’d be cycling in Italy: the combination of...

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Day 2 feat

Cycling from Geneva to Milan: a diary of day 2, Sierre to Airolo

July 14th, 2015

Day two of the trip saw us continue along the valley we mentioned in part 1, up the river, gradually approaching the formidable Nufenen Pass which would be our...

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Day 1 feat

Cycling from Geneva to Milan: a diary of day 1, Geneva to Sierre

July 9th, 2015

Today’s account follows yesterday’s travels and wanderings (see the Prologue). A great day of cycling in Switzerland and France (then Switzerland again!) to start the trip. Lakes, mountains, hills,...

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Day 4 - Lons-le-Saunier to Geneva

5 tips for a multi-day cycling holiday with Ride 25

April 1st, 2015

We’re very excited that our summer bike tours are a now only a number of weeks away. We have cycling holidays in Italy, Switzerland, UK, Vatican City (the worlds smallest...

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Ride25 London to Paris – here they come!

October 9th, 2014

We are pleased to announce that the latest set of intrepid Ride25 explorers set off from London this morning, embarking on their 3 day cycling holiday from London to...

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September 17th, 2014

Here is the final chapter of Mike Donnellan’s diary which follows his progress from Leeds to Paris on a bike with Ride25.  Mike completed the journey last week.  Thanks...

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Ride25 Leeds to Paris

Leeds to Paris on a bike: TICK!

September 10th, 2014

We are pleased to announce that the latest set of Ride25 adventurers arrived in Paris on Sunday after their epic journey from Leeds.   This particularly tough ride saw...

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Paris To Geneva - Cycling Blog - Ride 25

Paris to Geneva June 2013

February 26th, 2014

Beginning in the most romantic city in the world, our second leg of our round-the-world tour saw us cycle 354 miles through beautiful French countryside and past Romanesque churches...

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Parmoor To Paris - Cycling Blog - Ride 25

Parmoor to Paris June 2012

February 20th, 2014

To kick off our very first adventure, 44 cyclists left Parmoor en masse. In three days we cycled 230 miles, through beautiful countryside, the vibrant seaside town of Brighton...

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