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Could Volvo Life Paint be the answer to our night cycling problems?

Cycling Blog

Could Volvo Life Paint be the answer to our night cycling problems?

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April 22nd, 2015

As anyone that cycles in the city will know, as soon as the sun sets, you need to be on your guard if you’re making tracks through the night. London cyclists are particularly prone to the odd prang, altercation and even accidents with more dire consequences and as cars are using London roads built 100 years ago that were designed for far less traffic, the risk of collision is high.

Cycling is on the up and more and more Londoners are taking to the streets on two wheels. Ride25’s founder, John was quoted in an article in yesterday’s Evening Standard that was talking about how the city is turning to cycling and its popularity is soaring. We need cycling road safety innovations more than ever. Volvo’s Life Paint is an addition to the cycling product list that could be the answer to reducing some of these accidents caused by cyclists not being visible to cars when the sun sets.

Watch this video to find out how it works and share your thoughts in the comments below!

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