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Fancy riding a full lap of the UK coastline? Weekly round-up #1

Cycling Blog

Fancy riding a full lap of the UK coastline? Weekly round-up #1

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April 10th, 2015

This week’s round-up features the Tour de Yorkshire, an update on the effort to ride the most miles a year, and a slick new bike design.

Good news first! Our cycling news round-ups will now be weekly. The fortnightly round-ups have proved successful, but it turns out there’s a lot more going on in the world of cycling than we initially predicted.

For nostalgia’s sake,  the fortnightly guides will be archived here forevermore.

The Tour de Yorkshire

In non-Ride25 news, the 2015 TDY is almost upon us! The three day event is part of the legacy of the Tour de France visiting the UK last year, an event we’re sure you all remember. Though this year’s event isn’t part of the wider Tour de France, it promises to be equally exciting and will be attended by Sir Bradley Wiggins and numerous other cyclists looking to mark their territory in Yorkshire.

Yorkshire cycling

Image by Tejvan Pettinger, used under Creative Commons and linked to source

Also on the topic of epic bike rides designed to tap into the ever-increasing popularity of cycling in the UK, is The Great Tour. This two month bike ride around Britain’s coast is advertised as a “64 day iconic journey riding approx. 100km per day, never losing sight, sound or the smell of the sea”, and is raising money for a selection of charities. Check out the route here.

Brilliant bikes

A new bike company has just publicly launched which prides itself on creating simple and unintimidating bikes. The Brilliant Bicycle Company pride themselves on “Craftsmanship & Attention to Detail”, “Comfort & Elegance, with Panache” and “Safety & Reliability, Every Time”. Their aim is to appeal to cyclists who may find the huge (and ever-increasing) selection of parts and bike types to be overwhelming, and who just want to ride.

Brill Bike

We found another novel bicycle design while browsing Reddit this week, although its focus seems to be on penetrating your nightmares rather than elegance. Check it out here – look at the back ‘legs’!

Steve Abraham

Back in our 7th fortnightly round-up we wrote about Steve Abraham and his attempt to beat the record for most miles cycled in a year. There has been an unfortunate development, however: on the morning of 29th March he was hit by a moped, and has broken his ankle.  The incident was reported via a series of tweets:

According to the Guardian, Abraham was running ahead of schedule: “he had completed 16,860 miles by the end of 29 March, compared to the 14,364 Tommy Godwin had covered by the same date in 1939”.

We wish him a speedy recovery!

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