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The Grandest of Grand Départs!

Cycling Blog

The Grandest of Grand Départs!

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July 7th, 2014

As Le Tour peloton today winds its way from Cambridge to London, Yorkshire and the people of Yorkshire must be feeling pretty pleased with themselves for hosting an outstanding Grand Depart and weekend of cycling.

Tour de France Harewood

Le Tour cyclists get ready for the off at Harewood House on Day 1 – with the Royals waiting to wave them off!

For me, it was a culmination of factors that made this a truly special weekend; the stunning Yorkshire scenery, the volunteers and organisers who put their heart and soul into making sure this a special event, the crazy publicity caravan, the group of elite cyclists who seemed genuinely taken aback by the support – and most importantly the millions of people who lined the city’s streets and the countryside roads, donned their flat caps and yellow t.shirts, knitted bunting, decorated their houses and fully embraced le Tour – showing the world what Yorkshire is all about.

We spot 2 Ride25 riders on the side of Buttertubs Pass!

The sights of the crowds lining some of the climbs was breathtaking – especially when we spotted a couple of Ride25 t.shirts on the TV highlights on Buttertubs pass cheering the cyclists along! Thanks Ride25 riders!! (Apologies for the grainy shot but this was taken from the TV!)

Indeed, Christian Prudhomme, Tour organiser lavished praise on Gary Verity’s Welcome to Yorkshire team and local people saying “When you said you would deliver the grandest Grand Départ of the Tour it was the truth. You have raised the bar for all future hosts of the Tour de France’.

Day 2 - York racecourse

The crowds take snaps as the cyclists whizz past at York racecourse


Ride25 was lucky enough to be in the thick of it – from attending the Tour Presentation ceremony, to the Eve of Tour dinner attended by the likes of Sir Chris Hoy, to the start point at Harewood House where the Royals cut the ribbon and finally amongst the excited crowds at York Racecourse.

It has left us wondering what the wider effect will be on the popularity of cycling. Without doubt, le Tour will have has inspired many more people to get on their bikes to enjoy the stunning scenery surrounding their homes… and perhaps embark on their own Tour – but this time a Tour du Monde with Ride25, exploring the world by bike!

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